Prof. Urushitani gave a talk about dementia; its definition, molecular mechanism, symptoms, treatment, and so on. We sincerely appreciate your inspiring lecture, Prof. Urushitani.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
5:00-6:00 pm @ Seminar Room, Biomedical Innovation Center

Lecturer: Prof. URUSHITANI Makoto

We quickly arranged this lecture because some members of the iKODE workshops is trying to create a new solutions for dementia.


講師:漆谷真教授 (滋賀医科大学)
場所:滋賀医科大学バイオメディカル・イノベーションセンター 1F セミナー室
対象:iKODE 受講生(学部生・大学院生・ポストドクター・大学教職員・社会人等)
